daria loi
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).
Louise Bourgeois
Sophie Calle
Peter Greenaway
Candy Jernigan
Robert Irwin
Bruno Munari
George Perec
Lawrence Weschler
The art work opens up in its own way the Being of beings. This opening up, this de-concealing, i.e. the truth of beings, happens in the work.
Heidegger, M.(1971). Poetry, Language, Thought. New York: Harper & Row, p. 39.
What can be studied is always a relationship or an infinite regress of relationships. Never a thing.
Bateson, G. (1978). Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine, p. 249.
Marco Polo describes a bridge, stone by stone. But which is the stone that supports the bridge? Kublai Khan asks. The bridge is not supported by one stone or another, Marco answers, but by the line of the arch that they form. Kublai Khan remains silent, reflecting. Then he adds: Why do you speak to me of the stones? It is only the arch that matters to me. Polo answers: Without stones there is no arch.
Calvino, I. 1972, Le città invisibili, Einaudi, Torino, p. 83.
Imagine if someone had said to Dali: Salvador, when you are painting a portrait of a lady you do not put a loaf of bread on her head.
Davidson, P. (1997). Surrealist Millinery. Culver City, CA: MJT Publishing, p. 11.
In modern Athens, the vehicles of mass transportation are called metaphorai. To go to work or come home, one takes a 'metaphor' - a bus or a train. Stories could also take this noble name: every day, they traverse and organize places; they select and link them together; they make sentences and itineraries out of them. They are spatial trajectories. (...) with what subtle complexity stories serve us as a means of mass transportation, as metaphorai. Michel de Certeau (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. Uni California Press, p. 115
This discursive deficiency is not due simply to my laziness (or my feebleness at noughts and crosses); it’s connected rather with the very thing I have tried to define, if not to take hold of, in the topic I have been set here.
Perec, G. (1997). Species of spaces and other pieces. London, New York: Penguin Books, p. 189
So again this is about participation. It is about creating a space for a space to emerge within. It is about having the courage to allow the emergence. and it does take courage, for my own anxiety earlier that day, before the conversation emerged, testifies to this. The anxiety is about whether the magic will work today, this time. Have we done enough, and not too much, to create the possibilities of an opening space. (...) I have learned above all that participation is a practice, a way of being and doing in the world which is both cultivated and wild.
Reason, P. (2001) Participation, in writing, carving and teaching, ReVision, 23(4), p. 47
things to do
Being alone.
Eating gelato.
Finding beauty any time and any place I can.
Finding special things in op-shops.
Buying and giving presents.
Going out with friends.
Hugging who I love.
Listening to music while I cook or eat.
Listening to my niece’s voice through the phone.
Loosing myself in a city then, when I am tired of walking, finding out on the map where I am and go back.
Making things.
Re-reading books I like.
Smelling books.
Smiling with my eyes.
Taking pictures of everyday things in the street.
Touching human skin, petals, wood and other materials.
Walking bare feet on tiles, sand, stone, grass.
Walking through water sprinklers in summer.
Watching old movies.
Trying strange hats in department stores.
Wondering around a store that sells materials/machines/tools.
things to look at
Old books.
Broken glass on the street.
Children playing and children sleeping.
Christmas lights inside my hands.
Confetti flying and confetti on the ground.
The horizon.
My mother.
Moving shadows.
Old black and white pictures.
Old industrial machine and places.
Outside the window when I wake up.
People’s collections.
People dancing.
People’s eyes.
People walking.
People on public transport.
Petals on the footpath.
Sand. Sea. Sky. Stars.
Sign talking.
Sparkly things regardless their value.
The underwater world.
The world through a camera lens.
Sun through a cathedral window.
Wind moving trees.
Yellow flowers.